
How to track changes in a specific file in git

It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post, but today I found something I’ll be definitely using a lot in the future. While working with jenkins I found out that a pipeline that used to ...

Creating a docker swarm to monitor RPI operating temperatures with visualization

This post shows how to create a multi-architecture docker swarm with deployment constraints on different architectures. For the purpose of this post, we will be using simple images with both ARM a...

Try/Except vs If in Dictionary Key access Python Performance

So, recently while testing some coding I questioned myself, what would be better performance wise, if trying to access a dictionary key directly with a try/except strategy or if I would make use of...

Nginx reverse proxy unavailable upstreams in Docker

In this post we will se how to fix unavailable upstreams in Nginx when using reverse proxy capabilities of nginx, with servers that aren’t reachable at the time of starting Nginx. When using nginx...

Creating an OCSP responder in Docker

OCSP or Online Certificate Status Protocol for friends, provides a centralized mean of checking certificate validation and revocation by a central authority in the form of a Certificate Authority t...